Sunday, September 28, 2008

Whole Grains and Fiber

In the grocery store many boxes and packages now display "whole-grains" in large, eye catching print. So why are whole-grains so important to your diet and why should you eat them?

Whole-grains are processed through a process called refining;therefore, the bran and germ is still attached. White flour and white rice have had these two pieces removed. Bran and germ hold important nutrients. Although nutrients are added back into white flour and white rice,they do not have the same quality of nutrition as whole-grains.

Whole-grain have good nutrients such as, B vitamins, iron, selenium, potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants. Certain whole wheat products may hold large amounts of fiber. Fiber, usually located in the bran, helps to control hunger, lower cholesterol and maintain digestive health.

Experts recommend the consumption 20-30 grams of fiber per day but most Americans only consume half that amount. Experts recommend you replace 1/2 the grains you eat with whole-grain to fix the problem. Wheat and oats are good alternatives but can also try quinoa, bulgur, and barley.

There are numerous others ways to improve your fiber intake. Eat high-fiber cereal in the morning (In today's market there are more options besides just bran cereals.). Make your next sandwich using whole-grain bread. For burritos ans wraps use whole-wheat tortillas with a side of brown rice. Try whole-wheat pasta; if you don't like the texture, mix whole-wheat pasta with regular. For a quick snack, make yourself a whole-wheat bagel topped with peanut butter. If you like to eat yogurt for snake, add some granola. For your home-cooked meals, exchange half the white flour from the recipe with whole-wheat flour.

It's now easier than ever to put more fiber in your diet. Just a few changes to your life can help you become a healthier person.

Sponsored by "The Best of Nature. The Best of Science". One of our specialties is All organic nutritional products. Vitamins, Supplements and Food Products.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Family Dinner

Eating together needs to be part of a schedule, it helps keep the family together. Studies have shown eating around the table actually benefits the kids. Children who eat at the table do better in school, have fewer behavioral problems, are less likely to take drugs or drink, often enjoy being able to talk to adults, get to understand the family along with the traditions, and help to create traditions centered around meals.

Often meals eaten around the table are higher in nutrition. Clean up after the meal is also faster because everything is together at one time. Meals actually cost less per serving because it's made in family portions.

Family members who are always busy get to spend time with their family because they take time out to share the meal. Family dinners should be scheduled as a priority in everyone’s calendar. Dinner together doesn't have to take place every night. Try scheduling dinner at least 4 times a week. Plan and shop for the meals as a family. Decide when each meal will be served. Children should be allowed to choose how much they want on their plates. They know how hungry they are. Even if the meal is cooked quickly take your time at the table try sitting there for at least 30 minutes. Turn off all televisions and phones so there is nothing to distract from family time. Don't scold or criticize at the table because it will make dinner more of a chore than a choice. If your family is stuck on what to talk about try asking for one "high" and one "low" from everyone's day.

Children constantly face pressure. It may be something at school church, or an after-school activity. You should be there when they need help otherwise they will turn to alternatives to "help" solve their problem. This is the first step to being a better parent. It doesn’t cost a lot of money or require anything special. All your family wants is a little more of your time.

Sponsored by "The Best of Nature. The Best of Science". One of our specialties is All organic nutritional products. Vitamins, Supplements and Food Products.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Want Your Kid's to Succeed in Life? Eat Breakfast

Do you want to boost your kid's brain power? Give them steady energy? Improve their behavior? It's simple. All you have to do is feed them breakfast!

Children who have breakfast in the morning are absent from school less often than kids who skip breakfast. Breakfast supplies much needed energy. It also reduces the amount of aggressive behavior your child exhibits. Children who eat breakfast often have a better attitude towards school, which may help to get them out of the house in the morning. Test scores and grades improve significantly. The child ca pay more attention to the board because they don't have to listen to their grumbling stomachs. Children who eat breakfast receive more fiber, vitamin C, calcium, and folic acid in their diets. These nutrients are extremely important because they cannot be made up in other meals during the day. Eating Breakfast also improves weight management for the rest of you child's life.

Put breakfast in your routine. Set your alarm a few minutes earlier so there is time for breakfast. To save time, set out clothes and prepare backpacks the night before. Don't allow your child to play video games, go on the computer, or watch TV before school. Try foods that can be ready quickly such as fresh or canned fruit, milk, yogurt, string cheese, hard-boild eggs, whole-grain cereal, or instant oatmeal. If your child does not have a big appetite try breakfast bars. Children pay close attention to their parents. If you don't eat in the morning they won't want to either. Add breakfast to your morning routine. To help make mornings swifter try making a weekly breakfast menu and make sure the foods are within easy reach for the mornings your running late.

Try building breakfasts full of protein and good carbohydrates. Try whole-grain instead of sugar covered anything. In the morning avoid breakfast pastries, sugary cereals, donuts, soda,chips, and fruit drinks by themselves. These types of food can mess with your child's blood pressure. Try feeding kids whole-grain toast, english muffins, waffles topped with peanut butter, breakfast burritos, tacos, or pita pockets stuffed with scrambled eggs and salsa. You can also try whole-grain cereals with nuts and berries, or yogurt topped with granola and fresh or dried fruit.

Make sure your child gets plenty of good fats. Scientists say the brain is composed of 60% fat; therefore, fat is essential for healthy brain growth and performance. DHA is extremely important especially in younger children. Up to 93% of the omega-3 fats in a child's brain consist of DHA. DHA is the part of the brain that does complex thinking. It is also important for nerve cells in your child's eyes ergo it affects your child's vision. Foods that naturally contain DHA include: mackerel, herring, salmon, tuna, sardines, and algae. Although these are probably not on your child's list of favorite foods, your child needs DHA. Small amounts can be found in flaxseed and walnuts but these do not do much to support your child. How much DHA does your child need? According to the National Institutes of Health, children should consume 150 milligrams of DHA per day but most children only receive 20 mg. Concerned parents should ask their family pediatrician about supplements to bridge the nutritional gap.

Make sure to feed your kids healthy snacks and meals during the day too. Their test scores and grades will improve in no time.

Sponsored by "The Best of Nature. The Best of Science". One of our specialties is All organic nutritional products. Vitamins, Supplements and Food Products.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Tips for Sleeping

Do you have a hard time concentration? Are you grouchy or anxious in the morning? Although there symptoms can be connected to numerous maladies but most likely you are suffering from sleep deprivation. Other signs of sleep deprivation include having a hard time walking in the morning, falling asleep as soon as or very shortly after your head hits the pillow, having difficulty with memory, falling asleep during work, feeling moody, irritable, depressed or anxious.

Lack of sleep affects your body. Your production of protein is harmed. Protein helps cell growth which repairs damage done by ultraviolet rays. Less hormones are released during sleep which effects growth, energy, and the proper control of metabolic and endocrine functions.

There are a few tips to help cure sleep deprivation. Avoid naps. Although they may make you feel better during the day, naps can disrupt your internal clock and make it harder to sleep at night. Develop a bedtime schedule. Before going to bed try doing some relaxing rituals such as taking a bath. Make sure to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Your mind will soon learn to be ready for bed when you are. Make sure to give yourself at least 15 minutes to fall asleep. If you wake up at night and cannot fall back asleep go into another room and do something relaxing for a while until you feel ready to sleep. Don't do something that stimulates your mind before sleep. Watching TV or doing work will wake your mind up. Exercise improves your sleep but you should exercise in the morning and never later than 3 hours before sleeping. Try spending time in the sun. Sun exposure creates hormones that help you sleep. Don't drink caffeine or alcohol before going to bed. Alcohol may help you to fall asleep but it will wake you up in the middle of the night when you receive your withdrawal from it. Do not eat meals right before bed. Eat at least two hours before sleeping.

These tips are designed to give a better nights sleep. Adults typically require 7 to 8 hours of sleep but some people may be able to function on less. If you feel refreshed and don't feel sleepy then you are getting the needed amount of sleep.

Sponsored by "The Best of Nature. The Best of Science". One of our specialties is All organic nutritional products. Vitamins, Supplements and Food Products.